HDS web trading
Safe and secure trading platform with professional, easy-to-use features for investors.
Friendly transaction
Diverse features
Visual information
Main feature
Manage overall investment portfolio
Manage your investment portfolio anytime, anywhere. Helps Investors optimize profits and minimize risks when investing across multiple channels. Furthermore, this will help investors manage assets, support the purchase and sale of stocks/bonds and orient future development… Thanks to that, it helps investors feel more secure and ensure profits. Maximum profit when investing.
Monitor stock price movements
Monitor market developments and price movements of each stock, helping investors make appropriate and quick investment decisions. In addition, the application synthesizes the 50 most outstanding stocks, increasing investment efficiency and also saving time searching and filtering stocks.
Biometric login
With this new feature, customers and investors can log in directly to their accounts on the HDS application without needing to enter a password, just fingerprint authentication (Touch ID) or facial recognition (Face ID). ) with the desire to bring convenience, speed and increased security to Customers.
Diversify your investment portfolio
Investors can hold portfolios of stocks, bonds, certificates of deposit, etc. to diversify your investment portfolio and achieve the highest profitability. How to combine asset types will depend on the investor’s risk appetite.